Monday, August 6, 2018

How to help the J Pod Orcas

J-50 Scarlet and her mother Slick, photo by NOAA

The Orca Task Force of Governor Inslee is meeting tomorrow to determine recommendations on saving the starving orcas of the Southern Resident species. 
A handful of agencies have been introducing measures for 25 years already.  Their measures have not worked, the Chinook salmon are at a low point in thirty years, they are also the main diet of the starving Orcas. 

Center for Whale Research expert Ken Balcomb says our best option to save the Orcas is to breach 4 dams of the lower Snake River. 
Jim Waddell has been campaigning for years to breach the dams. He ran the dams for around thirty years for the Army Corps of Engineers. 

 In five separate cases courts have deemed the dams outdated,  inefficient, and a danger to salmon and Orcas.

Opposition to breaching the dams is over the hydropower and irrigation they provide, however it has been proven that the dams cost more than they benefit. Also, breaching the dams can provide an opening for new sectors of efficient power such as wind and solar as well as jobs. 

Twenty five years has already proven that the best chance for our Orcas survival will not happen unless we give our public backing to mobilize action from the government. 

You can help make this happen with the next few minutes of your time. 
(Links below)

How to help the Orca's 

Sun Aug 5
J35 Tahlequah J50 Scarlet update

"The governor has asked the Orca Task Force to consider breaching the Snake River Dams and it is on the table for consideration."
-Tara Lee,  Dep. Dir. Communications 
Reported by King 5 news

CONTACT SENATOR PATTY MURRAY and SENATOR MARIA CANTWELL in support of breaching the Snake River Dams to BUILD PUBLIC BACKING before the MEETINGS on MONDAY and TUESDAY.  Inslee has to have Senators representing the people to DC government on this. 

Monday, multiple agencies ,considering intervention measures for emaciated J50 Scarlet , have a scheduled conference call to determine next steps. 

Tuesday Gov. Inslee's Orca Task Force meets to formulate recommendations to restore salmon and orcas. 

Our orcas story of near extinction going viral creates a rare opportunity for mass public awareness and support that will make the difference. When the story fades, the opportunity for mass public support also fades. 
Every person's contact matters, they literally count how many people have contacted them directlyand the higher the count the higher the priority for senators action list. 

Jim Waddell is currently campaigning for breaching the dams.  He ran the dams for about 30 years for the Army Corps of Engineers, and has been campaigning to breach the dams for years since his retirement. 

You can also copy and paste this message to share on social media. 

Your message can be brief, example: "I am calling/ writing to urge the senator to support breaching the Snake River Dams and to support all measures suggested by the Orca Task Force. Thank you. "

Senator Patty Murray

Senator Patty Murray office phone numbers
Seattle (206) 563-5545
Everett (425) 259-6515
Tacoma (253) 572-3636
Yakima (509) 453-7462
Vancouver WA (360) 696-7797
Spokane (509) 624-9514

Online email form Senator Patty Murray

Senator Maria Cantwell phone:
Everett (425) 303-0144
Tacoma (253) 572-2281
Seattle (206) 220-6400
Richland (509) 946-8106
Vancouver WA (360) 696-7838
Spokane (509) 353-2507

Senator Maria Cantwell, online email form:

Additional information:

Within the United States, the Columbia-Snake River watershed is the most important source
of salmon for the Southern Resident orcas. For millennia the Southern Residents have depended on
Chinook salmon from this watershed, which once produced millions of Chinook annually,
supporting a rich ecosystem that included both killer whales and humans....
 Over 50 large dams constructed on the rivers since 1933 are the major cause of salmon
declines in the watershed. Today, only a small fraction of the historic numbers of salmon return to
the watershed to spawn, reflecting high mortality of adults moving upstream and juveniles moving
downstream. Thirteen salmon and steelhead populations now face extinction and are listed under
the Endangered Species Act (ESA).5
 The ESA requires the federal government to recover these
salmon species. For the Snake River in particular, both old and new research points in one direction
- the dams are a major cause of decline of the salmon runs.6
 The four lower Snake River dams,
constructed in the 1960s and 1970s, are obstructing 140 miles of prime salmon migration
waterways. The dams also have inundated the lower Snake River fall Chinook salmon’s mainstem
spawning and rearing habitat. In 1992, both fall run and spring/summer-run Snake River Chinook
were listed as threatened under the ESA.7
 By 1999 Columbia River fall Chinook were added to the
ESA list as threatened, while the spring-run Chinook, which had collapsed to near extinction,
warranted the highest listing as endangered. As the Columbia-Snake River salmon declined, so did
the orcas. By 2005 the Southern Resident killer whales had also earned the highest listing of
 source for the endangered Southern Resident orcas.
The recovery of Southern Resident Killer Whales depends on abundant salmon. This
will be impossible to provide in the near term, without restoring productivity to the Columbia￾Snake River watershed. Breaching the four lower Snake River dams is the quickest single
measure most likely to restore the abundant wild Chinook salmon runs the whales need to
recover. No other action under consideration has the potential to increase the SRKW population to
a level where they could be down-listed to threatened or removed from ESA completely.
 Dr. Deborah Giles
Research Director
Center for Whale Research

Sunday, August 5, 2018

Update J35 Tahlequah J50 Scarlet , Southern Resident Orca's J Pod

Update Aug 6
The rescue team did a practice run of a rescue mission today.  J Pod clan of orcas still have not been seen in Washington waters. They only have authority to operate in WA, and still have not received federal permission to intervene with J50 Scarlet,  but they are hoping for all elements to align for a mission by Wednesday.

"We are both fishing creatures; we both live for the salmon. And in our community, we come together when someone is hurting. We come together when someone needs help. It is the same with the Salish Sea, and with the orcas. She is part of the web that connects us all."

“We each belong to the Salish Sea.”

James said he believes the mother whale, carrying her baby for hundreds of miles, was making a deliberate, public statement. “This is her protest; she is trying to get the world’s attention. And it is working.” People around the region and the world have followed the sad story of Tahlequah, and her starving relative

Bill James,  Lummi Hereditary Chief and member of rescue team


"Update: for people interested in what is going on with the southern resident orca whales, J35 and J50...there has been no sign of J Pod in local San Juan Island, WA waters since Thursday, the pod is keeping to the outer coast and west end of the Strait of Juan de Fuca and environs. So, we don't know how the ailing four year old orca, J50, is faring, nor whether J35, Tahlequah is still carrying her dead calf. As of Sunday night, the emergency feed for starving J50 is on for tomorrow, with the Lummi Nation ready to supply fresh chinook, served bright, alive and swimming. King County has provided the SoundGuardian, the county's new research boat with crew to help, and NOAA and the Vancouver (BC) Aquarium, and the UW are turning out biologists and veterinarians to do a health assessment of J50 tomorrow -- presuming the pod shows up --  to determine if trying to  feed her makes sense. If so, the first attempt could come as soon as tomorrow afternoon. We'll see. Lots of moving parts, variables, unknowns, and questions. It's an unprecedented attempt to help the critically-endangered pod. Meanwhile people around the world are showing interest, care and concern.
Whatever tomorrow brings, photographer Alan Berner and I will be on scene and reporting for the Seattle Times." - Linda Mapes

Update Mon Aug 6
You can watch the Orca Task Force Meeting online tomorrow.
Morning session

Afternoon session


Seattle research vessel SoundGaurdian joins orca resue mission

Update Sun August 5
Seattle's research vessel, the SoundGaurdian, has been dispatched to aid in locating J50 Scarlet and assisting in any plans to feed and medicate her.
The vessel will dock in Bellingham and work with Lummi Nation. (Source: Dow Constantine,  King County Executive)

Sunday, January 22, 2017






Tuesday, November 8, 2016

#electionnight Reflect, then Redirect Your Energy #hillary #trump

It's not about how you fall, it's about how you get back up.

Redirect Your Energy Towards something that matters to you.

The link below is something I supported tonight so I can change what the next election looks like. I'll be thinking a lot the next couple of days about what else I would like to be a part of changing or growing, and I'm doing it! Pass it on, redirect your energy! And tell others to get off the floor!

I don't have a Twitter account! Please tweet and tell people to #reflectRedirect

Support an amendment to give Americans more than two presidential candidates.

Thursday, September 29, 2016

The Day You Send Your Kid to Air Force Boot Camp, Getting into Air Force WingMoms Support Group

What it is like to send your kid to bootcamp. Joining the Air Force Wingmoms support group, and what I Didn't Know.

Air Force Wingmoms on Facebook:
This is where the support group is.

Air Force Wingmoms website:
This site has all their info.

Moral of the story: If your trainee calls from bootcamp and can't give you the full address, try to have your trainee tell you their Flight Number! Then at least you can get into the support group while you wait for mail and phone calls.

My kid left for bootcamp today.
My kid left for basic military training.
How to cope with rollercoaster of emotions when your child goes to bootcamp.
When do they call home from bootcamp? How do you get their address in bootcamp?
Air Force Wingmoms AF Wing Moms Support

Monday, August 22, 2016

Claressa Shields, Champion: Challenging the Notion of Shame

-Big Business has yet to see Claressa Shields as "inspirational" enough, "polished" enough to highly endorse her. The unspoken fail here is they see her story as a little too brutal, her honesty a little too rough.-

Claressa Shields just became the first U.S. Olympian to win back to back gold medals.

Claressa Shields Two Times Gold Olympian hero, photo: Newstaggr
She accomplished this after winning two gold medals back to back in the Women's World Championships.

She's been boxing since she was 11 years old, coached originally by Jason Crutchfield who recognized her potential, took a chance on a girl which he didn't agree with originally in boxing, but could not deny her ability. He took her as far as he could up until she moved from her hometown Flint, Michigan, to train for the 2012 Olympics at a Olympic training center.

She fought her way out of acute poverty, a sludge of hardships, from nowhere-land to champ of the globe. She has kept her family close to her, flaws and all, refusing to deny her roots.

She has shattered limits for women in boxing single-handedly, and won a US Olympic Gold before any other man or woman.

For a decade she has worked, trained, fought, persevered, and won.

She was in a documentary called T-Rex, revealing not only her steadfast boxing ability and perseverance over adversity taking herself to her first Olympic Gold, but also the business side of the sports-world failing to back her with star quality endorsements.

The unspoken fail of the Business Sports World is the failure of big business endorsements. Powerade and Mini Cooper have endorsed her, but in essence her deals have been simply meager, a fraction of the lower end endorsements of world class athletes.

Big Business has yet to see Claressa Shields as "inspirational" enough, "polished" enough. The unspoken fail here is they see her story as a little too brutal, her honesty a little too rough.

"Her own childhood was dark. She was 9 before she got to know her father, who began serving a seven-year prison sentence for breaking-and-entering when she was 2 years old. She was raped by her mother’s boyfriend at age 5, molested at 8. Her mother, an alcoholic, didn’t believe her story of abuse, so Claressa went to live with her grandmother, whom she considers her savior." The Washington Post

The Business side of the Sports World is failing to see the target audience that this girl with a spine of steel represents. It takes as much courage to speak her truth to the world as it does to take and deliver punches for a career. A girl who is loyal, steady, focused outside of the ring, and self-admittedly a beast inside of it; tried and proven.

What Big Business has failed to recognize is the volume of Americans who are inspired by her story of grit, not "rebranded" and "polished", because she is a fierce living example of possibility

The obvious target audience Claressa Shields would appeal to are people such as: athletes, children in sports, women of aspiration, women of color, etc.

But the most passionate of her audience may be left by Business backers as unacknowledged potential. Up to one quarter of the population who relate personally to Claressa Shields triumph.

14.5 percent of Americans who live in poverty today. That's 45 million people, roughly 1 in 7 people.
25 percent of Americans who experience sexual violence. 1 in 4 people.(National Statistics)
10 Million American children who have had an incarcerated parent.
28 Million American children who have an alcoholic parent.

So for anyone in the business of sports who may be considering an angle to brand Claressa Shields, here is a start:  courage to look the worst right in the face and beat it. Trust me, the American population can relate.

against all odds

article by Jen Coole on OpedDoorPotion blog

Thursday, June 23, 2016

Droppin the Bass Old School. Eric Clapton. Stones In My Passway. I Still Do.

Dang. For all you youngsters, this is how you drop the bass old school. Listen at 1:45 and you'll hear it 7 seconds later. (in blues it's called an offbeat run.) Daaay haay haaaayng. This is from Clapton's new album. My Dad played guitar, had an acoustic. When I showed interest in learning, he taught me the basic chords and handed me an Eric Clapton sheet music book. LOL! That's like sitting a newb at a piano and telling them to play some Bach. I practiced til my fingers bled and learned about 2 songs before i gave up. Wish I wouldve stuck with it. My Dad gave me his acoustic that was older than I was, unfortunately it was stolen. One of my favorite memories of my Dad is him playing the guitar on the porch in South Carolina in the middle of the night when it was too hot for any of us to sleep. And Clapton remains one of the few loves we share. 

Eric Clapton's official youtube page:

Eric Clapton's official YouTube channel, click here.