Friday, April 8, 2016

Mothers Fighting for Peace for Their Children

I can't get the video to embed on this blog, so you'll have to click the link above, it's worth it! This is a public video on facebook that Jaime Primak Sullivan posted to all the mother's who are fighting for peace in the lives of their children. She does a series of videos called #cawfeetawk .

I often feel this way, and love that she made the video, sent it out into the world, and so many responded immediately. I hope to do more projects related to this sentiment soon and hope this can inspire women to talk honestly and support each other...this is what it looks like when a woman Does this instead of Says it.

My daughter

Comment and let me know if you have any more websites or links that relate to this for mothers.
I have a collection of pages at Google Plus for mothers dealing with domestic violence and Post Traumatic Stress Disorder. Here is the link:

As Jaime said,: "I love you so much today!"
Me giving a shoutout to Jaime Primak Sullivan at #cawfeetawk
#mothersfightingforpeace #you'renotalone #supportmatters #warriormothers