Thursday, June 23, 2016

Droppin the Bass Old School. Eric Clapton. Stones In My Passway. I Still Do.

Dang. For all you youngsters, this is how you drop the bass old school. Listen at 1:45 and you'll hear it 7 seconds later. (in blues it's called an offbeat run.) Daaay haay haaaayng. This is from Clapton's new album. My Dad played guitar, had an acoustic. When I showed interest in learning, he taught me the basic chords and handed me an Eric Clapton sheet music book. LOL! That's like sitting a newb at a piano and telling them to play some Bach. I practiced til my fingers bled and learned about 2 songs before i gave up. Wish I wouldve stuck with it. My Dad gave me his acoustic that was older than I was, unfortunately it was stolen. One of my favorite memories of my Dad is him playing the guitar on the porch in South Carolina in the middle of the night when it was too hot for any of us to sleep. And Clapton remains one of the few loves we share. 

Eric Clapton's official youtube page:

Eric Clapton's official YouTube channel, click here.