Thursday, February 18, 2016

Robert Redford is Hopeful about Women Getting Involved in the World

"Well I'm pretty preoccupied with the idea, 'what are we in this generation gonna provide for future generations to work with?' We have a planet that's shrinking, depending on how you look at it, and what are we gonna leave for them to breathe, what kind of air to breathe, water to drink, and so forth. So when I look at it that way, I say 'where's the hope?' I mean, we have to have hope, otherwise we become acidic. 
And to me the hope, maybe this is gonna sound a little politically correct, I'm hopeful that the role women are going to play will increase. Also that the young people that are just coming seems to me that these kids are really interested, because we're going to be passing them the reigns and they want to have something to work with. So they're getting involved, and to me that's where the hope is."
-Robert Redford

From  NY Times Talks, full interview of the movie Truth with Cate Blanchett, Mary Mapes, Robert Redford and Dan Rather.At 1:09:42, an audience member asks Robert Redford the question, "...I'm wondering what your take is on what the next generation is bringing us because I think there are a lot of good things that are gonna happen."
Robert Redford answers.

“I think the future—and this is just my opinion—but for us to move out of where we are now, and to move to something more sustainable and exciting, I think it will be in the hands of women and young people."
-Robert Redford, again answering an audience question at the Sundance Film Festival

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